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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I wanted to...

When you were born I wanted to protect you from

the feel of rough clothes
the absence of me
the cold chill of air

When you were two days old I wanted to protect you from

the change in temperature when you had your first bath
the trapped wind you would get after eating
the absence of me

When you were two weeks old I wanted to protect you from

being woken while sleeping
being squashed while sleeping
trapped wind

When you were 8 weeks old I wanted to protect you from

unfamiliar and sudden sights and sounds
being woken while sleeping by daddy and the dogs
trapped wind

When you were 3 months old I wanted to protect you from

missing me at work

When you were 6 months old I wanted to

do the right thing with food - start you on baby led weaning
help you learn and grow
keep breastfeeding to give you the best possible start
protect you from
missing me at work

Now I want to

help you develop
introduce you to new sights and sounds
Protect you from
hurting yourself as you explore
missing me at work

You grow and change so much Saoirse, I will want different things at different times but I will always want the best,



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